
Can I get EI benefits if I was fired?

If you are unemployed and looking for work, you may be able to get Employment Insurance (EI) benefits even if you were fired. It depends on the reason why you were fired.

If EI staff say you were fired because of “misconduct”, they will not give you benefits.

Misconduct usually means doing something wrong on purpose. Misconduct is more than simply not being able to do the job well.

Here are some examples that could be seen as misconduct:

  • threatening or violent behaviour
  • destroying company property on purpose
  • being late or away from work and your employer did not approve this
  • not doing something your employer tells you to do

It is not always clear what misconduct is. So you should apply for EI even if you were fired.

Record of Employment

Your employer must prepare a Record of Employment (ROE). Your employer can either give you a paper copy of your ROE or send your ROE to the government electronically.

If your employer sends your ROE to the government electronically, they do not have to give you a copy. And you do not need a copy to apply for EI. But you can get a copy from Service Canada if you want one.

To see your ROE online, you need to have a MyServiceCanada account. You can access your account or set one up at

It is easier to apply for EI with the ROE. But you should apply for EI right away, even if you do not have your ROE yet. You need proof of your employment, such as pay stubs and T4 slips.

If you do not apply within 4 weeks after your employment ends, you will probably get fewer EI payments.

Ways to get help

If you are having problems applying for EI or getting your ROE, you can call the Service Canada EI information line at 1-800-206-7218.

CLEO has a tool that creates a letter you can send to your employer asking for your ROE. You can use it by going to

If you cannot get EI or you are waiting for EI, you may be able to get financial assistance from Ontario Works (OW).

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